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服务指南 Service Guide



目 录


序号S/N 标 题 Title 页码Pages
1. 服务项目介绍Service Provided 2
2. 需提交的文件Documents Required 2
3. 办文时限Time Required for Document-Processing 4
4. 报关须知Customs Declaration 4
5. 机场安检规定Airport Security Check 5
6. 无人机使用规定Usage of a Drone 6

欢迎来中国大陆拍摄纪录片。Bsport体育在线官网 成立于1993年主管单位为国家广电总局,具有独立法人资质。20多年来,协会打造了一支经验丰富的专业队伍,帮助境外电视摄制组来中国大陆拍摄纪录片。

Welcome to China’s mainland for documentary shooting. The Chinese Association for Radio, Film and TV Exchanges (CARFTE) is an independent legal entity affiliated to the National Radio and Television Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Established in 1993 and with over two-decade development, the CARFTE has built a very professional and experienced team to help overseas TV crew with their documentary-shooting in China’s mainland.

1. 服务项目Service Provided


The CARFTE has been providing overseas TV stations and documentary-producing companies with the following three main kinds of service:

帮助境外电视摄制组获得国家广电总局拍摄许可;helping overseas TV crew with the filming permission from the National Radio and Television Administration of the PRC;

帮助境外电视摄制组获得短期来华记者签证;helping overseas TV crew with their J-2 visa to China;

帮助境外电视摄制组办理来华设备通关服务。由于中国海关接受临时免税进口许可证,所以摄制组也可自行选择该项服务。境外电视摄制组可以自行在自己的国家获得该项许可证,在中国大陆机场办理设备入境/出境通关手续。helping overseas TV crew with the customs clearance of their filming equipment brought into China. This service is optional to a TV crew, for an ATA Carnet is also acceptable in China. Overseas TV crew may also try to obtain an ATA Carnet in their own country and do the customs-clearance work at an entry or an exit port of Chinese customs at an airport in China for their filming equipment all by their own.

2. 需提交的文件Documents Required


For overseas crew who asks for help with the filming permission, J-2 visa and maybe also with their filming kit customs clearance, the following documents are required:

2.1. 一份用信笺纸书写并有签名的申请函。该函应包括:公司/电视台以及拟拍摄的纪录片简介、拟播出时间和播出平台、摄制组成员、预计入境和出境日期;

A Formal Application Letter, for which letter-headed paper is used and a signature is also a must. Besides, in terms of its contents, it should include a brief introduction of your company/TV station and the documentary, the planned broadcasting time and platform, the members of the crew, the planned arrival and departure dates; (Please refer to A Sample of an Application Letter.)

2.2. 摄制组成员护照扫描件以及摄制组人员分工,如,导演、主持人、制片人、摄影师、录音师等;

Scans of the crew’s passports and Explanation of the Roles of each member of the crew, e.g., director, presenter, producer, cameraman, soundman, etc;

2.3. 一份非常详细的拍摄日程,其中包括拍摄日期、拍摄地点、拍摄内容、现场工作人员、拍摄方式等;

A Very Specific Shooting Schedule, which contains the elements such as when (specific to date), where, what, who, how, etc.;


A Sample of a Shooting Schedule

日期Date 拍摄内容 Shooting Activities 备注 Remarks
9月15日15 Sept 摄制组抵达北京机场 Crew’s arrival at the airport in Beijing 首都国际机场 Capital International Airport
9月16日16 Sept 拍摄北京大学,校园空境,采访海伦×杨教授Shooting at the Peking University; GVs on the campus; Interviewing Professor Helen Young.  
9月17日17 Sept 从上海离境 Leaving China from Shanghai 浦东机场 Pudong Airport


A Sample of an Application Letter

2.4. 拍摄点当地相关联系人名单及电话;

A Name List of the contact persons and their phone numbers of the local filming venues or organizations;

2.5. 按照规定格式提供的设备清单(请参见第6章);

A List of Equipment in the required format; (Please refer to 6.)

2.6. 如果计划采访,需提供采访提纲;

An Interview Outline if an interview is planned.

3. 办文时限Time Required for Document-Processing


At least a 15-workday period is required for a normal document-processing procedure, which is based on the precondition that all your coordination work with each shooting venue has successfully been finished, i.e., the interviewees and the institutes that you are going to cover or film have all agreed to your film schedule. The stage of documentation for the J-2visa and filming permission normally takes at least 15 workdays and if it happens to be festivals or holidays, it will be postponed accordingly. Besides, the 15-workday period only refers to the time we need to submit our documents to the National Radio and Television Administration for your filming permission and visa notification to the Chinese embassy in your country. It does not include the time required by the local embassy for your visa processing. It is a very good idea to take the visa-processing time required by the local embassy into your consideration when you are planning your work. If there are no more than 8 working days left over for document-processing, we do not guarantee that your project will succeed in obtaining the filming permission and J2 visa notice from the NRTA. But we can still try our best to do it and in that case the project will be deemed as an urgent one with an extra charge for urgency service.

4. 报关Customs Declaration


There are two ways to handle the issue of the customs declaration for the shooting kit brought into or taken out of China. You may do it all by yourselves with an ATA Carnet. The carnet is available in your own country. As to how to obtain it, you may consult with the relevant organization in your own country.


Or you may choose us to help you with a Letter of Guarantee (L/G) for the customs clearance. If you select to do your customs clearance with a L/G, then a list of equipment you will bring into China is required by the Chinese customs. A format required by the Chinese Customs will be provided for the crew to fill in. The filled format will be a part of L/G for the clearance of the Chinese customs at the airports. What merits your attention is that if you do your customs clearance with a Letter of Guarantee when you arrive in China, you have to present the same Letter of Guarantee to the customs port in your leaving airport when you leave China. If you fail to do that in time of your departure from China, the customs staff is reasonably suspicious of equipment smuggling and you will be responsible for its legal liabilities and bear a heavy fine which might be about 30% of the total value of your equipment in the Letter of Guarantee.


Therefore please remember, if you select to use a Letter of Guarantee for the customs clearance, you have to present it at the customs port in your arriving airport upon your arrival and don’t forget to present it again at the customs port in your leaving airport upon your departure.


One more thing about the L/G, it takes one week for the customs to approve the L/G. Therefore you have to finalize your equipment at least one week before your arrival. Once the L/G is registered in the Customs, no changes will be allowed in terms of your equipment list.



设备清单模板 A Sample of an Equipment List
项目Item 名称Name 型号Type 序列号Serial No. 数量Qty 单 价 Unit Price($) 原产国 State of Origin
总价值Total Value: 总项Total Items:



5. 机场安检Airport Security Check


Crew who will travel in China by air shall pay attention to security regulations by the security checkpoint at airports. Among those regulations, the ones on transportation of lithium battery by air in China are especially important. Violating those regulations may result in confiscation of the equipment or even more serious legal penalties. The main text of Safety Awareness of Lithium Batteries is as follows:

5.1. 摄制组允许携带笔记本电脑、手机、照相机或其他安装了锂电池的便携式电子设备,上述设备的锂电池作为手提行李和备用电池上飞机时功率不得超过每小时100瓦特。

You may bring laptop computers, cell phones, cameras or other portable electronic devices containing lithium batteries not exceeding a watt-hour rating of 100wh as carry-on baggage and spare batteries on board a passenger aircraft.

5.2. 功率超过160瓦时的锂电池不允许作为手提行李或托运行李上飞机。

Lithium batteries exceeding 160wh are forbidden to be carried or checked in luggage.

5.3. 经值机人员允许,功率介于100至160瓦时之间的锂电池可以被作为手提行李携带上机。每位旅客所携带的锂电池不得超过2块。托运行李中不允许放置锂电池。

With the approval of the operator, lithium batteries exceeding a watt-hour rating of 100wh but not exceeding 160wh may be carried. No more than two spare batteries can be carried by per passenger. Do not put a lithium battery in your check-in luggage.

5.4. 备用电池需要单独包装好以防短路(放置在原产品包装袋内或将电极做绝缘处理,例如,在外露电极处缠上胶带,或者将每块电池放入独立的塑料袋或保护袋中)。

Spare batteries must be individually protected so as to prevent short circuits (by placement in original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g. by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch).

6. 无人机使用规定Usage of a Drone


Nowadays, more and more overseas crew would like to use a drone during their shooting in China. Shooting with a drone has to be approved by the related organization. It is illegal to shoot with a drone without a formal approval. Since it is time-consuming to obtain an approval to use a drone for shooting, normally we do not accept an application for shooting with a drone.
