bsport体育最新官网入口 Brief History
Bsport体育在线官网 简介
Bsport体育在线官网 (英译名:The Chinese Association for Radio,Film and Television Exchanges; 英文缩写: CARFTE)成立于1993年,是经国家民政部批准,由广播影视和网络视听机构自愿组成的专业性、非营利性且具有独立法人资质的全国性一级社团组织,业务指导单位为国家广播电视总局。协会实行单位会员制。
Bsport体育在线官网 作为党和国家团结联系广播影视、网络视听对外交流工作者的桥梁和纽带,坚持在党的领导下,在国家广电总局的指导下,积极开展与国际和我国港澳台地区的广播影视、网络视听交流与合作,为会员、行业、政府提供服务,助力广播影视高质量创新性发展,努力提高广播影视国际传播力,提升中华文化国际影响力,促进中外文明交流互鉴。
Bsport体育在线官网 主要为会员、行业、政府提供下列服务:
十、主办Bsport体育在线官网 微信公众号;
Bsport体育在线官网 于2020年10月16日在京举行了第四届理事会第一次会议,选举出协会第四届领导机构成员;2022年3月22日,第四届理事会第三次会员代表大会增补燕旎为协会副理事长。
理 事 长:李秋芳,(国家广电总局原党组成员、原驻国家广电总局和国务院港澳办纪检组组长);
副理事长:燕 旎,(国家广电总局国际合作司副司长、国家广电总局港澳台办副主任);
秘 书 长:李少彦,(驻会,法定代表人)。
About us
Founded in 1993, the Chinese Association for Radio, Film and Television Exchanges (abbreviated as the CARFTE), has been approved by Ministry of Civil Affairs of China as an independent legal entity. Under the direct guidance of the National Radio and Television Administration (abbreviated as the NRTA), the CARFTE is a professional, non-profitable and nationwide social organization composed of nearly a hundred of radio, film and television and internet audio-visual institutions across the country. The CARFTE adopts the system of unit-membership.
The CARFTE is expected to link as a bridge among the Party and the government as well as foreign exchange practitioners in the fields of radio, film, television and internet audio & video. Under the leadership of the Party and the guidance of NRTA, the CARFTE exerts its efforts to actively engage in cooperation and exchange with foreign countries and China’s Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in the fields of radio, film, television and internet audio & video and provide services for its members, the industry and the government in a bid to help achieve high-quality and innovative development of radio, film and television, improve their international communication capacities, strive to enhance the international influence of Chinese culture and promote exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations.
The CARFTE provides service for its members, the film and TV industry and the government in the following aspects:
1. To implement the guidelines, policies, laws and regulations of the Party and the State related with radio, film, television and internet audio & video and promote foreign exchange and cooperation in this regard under the guidance of the NRTA;
2. To conduct policy consultations, academic surveys, subject research and industrial service for foreign exchange and cooperation in the fields of radio, film, television and internet audio & video to promote business exchange and cooperation;
3. To provide comments and suggestions in terms of policy and legislature for governmental organizations in response to requests of the industry and its members;
4. To undertake or participate in domestic and foreign exchange and cooperation in receiving or dispatching visiting delegations, interviews and coverage, program production and other cultural activities related with radio, film, television and internet audio & video;
5. To organize radio, film, television and internet audio & video practitioners to carry out overseas exchange and training;
6. In accordance with relevant regulations, to organize experts, scholars and professionals at home and abroad to hold seminars, symposiums and forums and run training courses on radio, film, television and internet audio & video exchange and cooperation;
7. Commissioned by governmental organizations, to undertake or participate in domestic and international exhibitions and program exchange in the fields of radio, film, television and internet audio & video, and conduct reception and dispatching for art performing troupes;
8. Entrusted by governmental organizations, to bring in talents, technologies, funds and equipment in the fields of radio, film, television and internet audio & video exchange and cooperation;
9. To translate film and television works broadcast on radio, television, internet and other platforms;
10. To run the WeChat Official Account of China Pavilion;
11. To undertake other assignments authorized or entrusted by governmental and other related organizations.
The fourth leading body of the CARFTE was elected at the first meeting of the fourth session of the council held in Beijing on October 16, 2020. Ms. Yan Ni was co-opted as vice president of the CARFTE at the third meeting of the fourth session of the council on March 22, 2022.
President |
Li Qiufang (Ms.) |
Former member of the Party Group of NRTA;
Former head of the NRTA Discipline Inspection Team dispatched by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the CPC;
Former head of the Discipline Inspection Team of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council dispatched by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the CPC |
Vice president | Yan Ni (Ms.) |
Deputy Director-general of the International Cooperation Department of NRTA;
Deputy Director of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of NRTA |
Vice president |
Huang Bohong(Ms.) |
Former director of reporters station in Macao of NRTA |
Secretary-general |
Li Shaoyan |
Presiding over the routine work, Legal representative of the CARFTE |